Saturday, March 19, 2011

Asian Glow

Afternoon Everyone,

So we've found our first PC Bang (or PC Bong = Room / internet cafe) here in Daejeon. It is dark, and everyone is playing video games, and the only foods available are potato and corn chips, and carbonated soft drinks. I am in heaven haha. (that's Joe talking)

Last night one of the supervisers from TILS Language school (Amy) took us out on the town. Her boyfriend Jason drove and we went with another teacher from school, an American named Tim. First we went to Costco for the first time, and had some of the best pizza we have had in a long time (both here and in Canada). It was 12500 WON (or about $12 CDN) for an 18" cheese pizza that was absolutely loaded! Delish.

Afterward we went shopping for a microwave and toaster. We also purchased a large block of Colby Jack Cheese, Mushroom soup, Macaroni and Cheese, and some liquor (the vodka was much cheaper at Costco than at the E-Mart ... but that was about the only alcohol that was cheaper).

After Costco we dropped our purchases off at our apartments, and headed for the Galleria (the restaurant and nightclub district). We will eventually get to posting photos of some of these places but time and the internet is not on our side right now. We do really want to post pictures because of the beautiful lights and bussling crowds, even late at night. It is a very energized area of the city and it was totally new to us.

We went to a slightly more expensive restaurant than usual, although it was still modestly priced. Our table bill came to around $60 CDN which included a plate of spicy teriyaki chicken and veggies, a cheese and crab omelette, a bowl of spicy Korean noodles, a seaweed and rice dish, 2 jugs of Soju, and about 4 pints of beer. All in all it was still a very affordable dinner, and we were all stuffed.

We wanted to mention the combination of food and drink because it is the common "thing" in South Korea to mix food and drink throughout the evening. We had a discussion last night about how North Americans "eat then drink (alot)", whereas Koreans drink, then eat, then drink, then eat, then drink, then eat, all night long. It's different, but definitely enjoyable! We are both glad however that it is relatively inexpensive food and drink or we would have an empty wallet very quickly!

After we finished at the restaurant we headed home in a cab and did our first laundry. It was actually quite easy since someone at the school had translated the very complex digital panel for us. Since it went so well, we were able to sleep soundly.

Ok, so we need to rap this up, but just wanted to mention that the experience is still going very well.  We have yet to write a blog about other things we did, but they include visiting the Daejeon lake which includes a large dam and is surrounded by mountains. It was very nice, but Spring has approached and we both are awaiting the greenery and flowers to bloom so we can see Daejeon's full potential.  We are also living close to the river that runs through Daejeon, so we have spent a nice Sunday strolling down it.  Again, since Winter has ended and Spring and Summer are coming it should look a lot nicer soon. Also, the river is being updated to included separated bike and walking trails, as well as gardens and sports facilities.  Hopefully we will be able to see the end results while here.

We hope to write some more blogs soon in further detail about the school and our kids because in the matter of two weeks we have already collected a lot of stories! But for now, its Saturday night and its another fellow employee's birthday so we are off to celebrate! Pics of night may or may not be included in this blog ;)

Have a good one, talk to you soon! xo

Joe and Nicole

1 comment:

  1. keep the post coming!!! i love reading them!!! cant wait till u find internet that will allow me to see photos!!
